About Us

LAGARDA SECURITY SERVICES is India’s leading recognised “total security”.

LAGARDA SECURITY has the distinction of having introduced several innovative quality standards there by establishing it’s leadership in the security industry.

Today LAGARDA SECURITY has grown to achieve our Clients satisfaction through skilled–well trained and motivated man power , backed by highly professional supervisory staff and regular interaction with clients to fulfil our clients high expectations.

LAGARDA SECURITY employs a staff of experienced, highly trained, motivated dynamic, and extremely committed management professionals who are passionate about providing a consistent level of highly quality services on all fronts.

In LAGARDA SECURITY we believe that facilities management is more than just creating a functional workplace. Its creating a workplace that allow our Clients organization to function a efficiently as they possibly can without any distraction .This allows our Clients to focus on their core competencies and leave the core competency of LAGARDA SECURITY i.e. Security.